Swedish professor: Ban begging handouts

A leading Swedish professor has said that it should be illegal for people to give money to beggars but his idea has been described as a "joke" by campaigners.
Bo Rothstein, a political science professor long associated with the University of Gothenburg, made the argument for a begging donation ban in an opinion editorial in Dagens Nyheter. 
"Anybody who begs in front of us on the street doesn't offer anything apart from their social vulnerability and the person that gives is exploiting their situation to get satisfaction and ease their social conscience," wrote Rothstein in the newspaper.
The 59-year-old Malmö native drew a parallel with a ban on begging with Sweden's law on buying sex where the client is punished rather than the prostitute. He argued that a ban would only work if fundamental changes to the system were implemented.
"A ban must be followed by some form of sanctions if they are to have some effect...at the same time it must be clear that more charity and continued street begging isn't the solution to these people's social misery," Rothstein wrote.
His words were met with scepticism by campaigners who are working with vulnerable people on a daily basis.
"My initial reaction was that it was a joke. But unfortunately we probably have to take a professor who is writing in DN seriously," said Aaron Israelson, editor of Faktum magazine which is sold by the homeless, told Göteborg Posten.
He added; "I don't think that Rothstein has developed the way of thinking and shown no evidence or theories."
Anna Johansson of the Stockholm city mission said that people being on the streets begging was a "symptom" that poverty exists all around the world.
"In order to address the root of the problem we must engage in dialogue at international and European level in particular the most affected countries, for example Romania," she told the TT news agency.
Rothstein had mentioned in his opinion editorial that many of the beggars were coming from eastern Europe, in particular Romania, fleeing what he described as "social destitution."
"I am convinced that nothing else, and especially no more hand outs, will be able to provide these people with a dignified life," he wrote.
It is estimated that there are 34,000 homeless people in Sweden. Soup kitchens have been set up in the larger cities over the past two years to tackle the issue.  
The Local/pr 

Health inspectors ban hookah pipes

The smoke looks set to go out on six hookah clubs in Södertälje, after municipal politicians banned the water pipes and inflamed community centre owners who have pledged to appeal.

    Six community centres in the multicultural town Södertälje have been hit with the threat of fines if their visitors light up,  the culmination of a long-running feud with the municipal environment committee (miljönämnden). If any of the community clubs steps out of line, they will be hit with a 20,000 kronor ($3,000) fine.
    "We concluded that the public has access, there is a lot of smoking going on, and it is very difficult to control what's in the fume," the committee chair Patrik Waldenström told The Local. "Often it's tobacco. We can't control what people put in their pipes and the Swedish tobacco law says you must be able to check what is being smoked."
    Municipal health and safety inspectors have made over 70 visits to hookah establishments in the past five years, while the police have also inspected the premises on 30 occasions. The Green Party politician said it did not matter whether the proprietors felt picked on. 
    "There is always that risk when the authorities get involved, but we can't take that into consideration, the tobacco law should be followed," Waldenström said.
    Even though three of the six community centres affected by the ban have separate smoking rooms, which can still be used, Waldenström said the decision could affect the nature of socializing in the clubs. Managers told local media they were afraid the ban would affect their visitor numbers.
    "We will appeal the decision as it will make a big difference to how many people come to our premises," Yusef Ivan at the Schlomo community centre told the local Länstidningen newspaper.
    Waldenström argued, however, that when Sweden banned smoking in restaurants, there were initially many skeptics who later admitted the prohibition had its benefits.
    "I think even smokers found it to be positive," he said.  


    Google is reportedly hitting the road for its next battle with Apple for mobile OS market share.
    The Web giant has teamed with carmaker Audi to develop in-car entertainment and information systems based on the Android operating system, according to the Wall Street Journal. The aim of the partnership, which is expected to be announced next week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, would allow for in-car integration of music and navigation apps currently available on smartphones, sources told the Journal.
    The partnership is expected to generate a challenger to Apple's iOS in the Car, which aims to integrate users' iPhones with their car's onboard receiver or "infotainment" system. Unveiled in June at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, the feature is expected to provide an interface that lets users control things like music, messages, and maps right through the vehicle.
    So far, Apple has signed up such automakers as BMW, Honda, Mercedes, Nissan, Ferrari, Hyundai, Kia, and Infiniti to integrate more iOS features into their cars. However, unlike Apple's platform, which requires and iOS device, this new flavor of Android would run on the vehicle's built-in hardware, the Journal's sources said.
    The Journal did not indicate when the pair's efforts might appear in vehicles. CNET has contacted Google for comment and will update this report when we learn more.
    At WWDC, Apple VP Eddy Cue said the iOS integration could kick off as soon as 2014, meaning the feature could begin appearing in select 2015 models. Possibly signaling that the new feature is on schedule, Apple released a second version of the iOS 7.1 beta to developers earlier this month that included a setting in that lets users turn a "Car Display" on and off.

    Want to Make a Successful #YouTube Video???

    In his book Entrepreneur Magazine's Ultimate Guide to YouTube for Business, marketing and public relations consultant Jason Rich show you how to master the secrets of successful "YouTubers" and put your brand, product or service in front of millions of potential viewers. In this edited excerpt, the author outlines some common elements of successful, small-business focused videos.
    No perfect formula exists for creating a successful YouTube video. What works for one company in order to reach a specific audience will not necessarily work for another. However, if you analyze other successful videos on YouTube, particularly videos produced by your competitors or that target the same audience you're striving to reach, you'll probably discover some common elements.

    Many popular videos produced by small businesses and entrepreneurs typically have some or all of the following traits and production elements:
    • The video is short and to the point. Try to keep your videos under three minutes in length.
    • Within the first few seconds of the video, what the video is about and what it offers are quickly and clearly explained to the viewer.
    • The video's call to action is incorporated into the video near the very beginning, and then repeated several times within the video, including near the very end. The call to action begins by stating what reward the viewer receives for following through and completing the call to action.
    • The video somehow incorporates contact information for the person or organization that created it. This can be done using voice-overs, statements by the people featured within your video, titles/captions, and/or annotations or links embedded within the video itself.
    • The video is targeted to a very specific audience and has a specific goal or objective.
    • The content of the video is somehow unique and tries to set itself apart from the other videos on YouTube.
    • The video offers information that the viewer perceives as useful, informative, entertaining, highly engaging, educational or somehow directly relevant to what they're looking for, want or need.
    • In terms of production quality, the video is professional-looking and offers good quality sound.
    • The video uses some type of background music.
    • The video offers clearly defined and easy-to-understand information that the viewer doesn't have to wait too long to receive. The information is not buried in clutter or hidden by eye candy or audio that can be distracting or confusing to the viewer. For example, animated shots or scene transitions are not overused, and the background music is set at a proper level and is appropriate to the content.
    • The look and messaging within the video is consistent with the company's brand and reputation.
    • The title of the video is appropriate, descriptive and directly to the point. When someone sees the video's title, they immediately have a good idea what the video is about and what they can expect from it. This is supported by a carefully worded description and accompanied by a carefully selected group of relevant tags and keywords.
    With these common traits in mind, as you explore YouTube for yourself, you'll easily discover very popular videos that follow none of these suggestions and offer a truly unique or vastly different approach. There are no hard-core rules to follow, because video production is a highly creative endeavor. Focus on originality and ways you can communicate your core message as quickly and easily as possible to your intended audience.

    Common injuries of the shoulder

    Women exercise, fitness, weight, dumbbell, gym


    By Pure Matters

    Whether throwing a ball, paddling a canoe, lifting boxes or pushing a lawn mower, we rely heavily upon our shoulders to perform a number of activities.

    Normally, the shoulder has a wide range of motion, making it the most mobile joint in the body. Because of this flexibility, however, it is not very stable and is easily injured.

    The shoulder is made up of two main bones: the end of upper arm bone (humerus) and the shoulder blade (scapula). The end of the humerus is round, and it fits into a socket in the scapula. The scapula extends around the shoulder joint to form the roof of the shoulder, and this joins with the collar bone (clavicle). Surrounding the shoulder is a bag of muscles and ligaments. Ligaments connect the bones of the shoulders, and tendons connect the bones to surrounding muscle. Four muscles begin at the scapula and go around the shoulder, where their tendons fuse to form the rotator cuff.

    When the shoulder moves, the end of the humerus moves in the socket. Very little of the surface of the bones touch each other. Ligaments and muscles keep the humerus from slipping out of the socket and keep the clavicle attached to the scapula.

    To keep shoulders healthy and pain-free, it's important to know how to spot and avoid commoninjuries.

    Shoulder instability

    Shoulder instability occurs when the shoulder feels like it might slip out of place. It occurs most often in young people and athletes. The shoulder becomes unstable when muscles and ligaments that hold it together are stretched beyond their normal limits. For younger people, this condition may be a normal part of growth and development. Shoulders generally stiffen or tighten with age.

    In athletes, shoulder instability is caused by activities such as tackling or pitching that put extreme force on the shoulder. Symptoms of shoulder instability are pain that comes on either suddenly or gradually, a feeling that the shoulder is loose, or a weakness in the arm. Treatment may be rest, physical therapy or surgery.

    A shoulder separation, also called a sprain, occurs when the ligaments that hold the clavicle to the roof of the shoulder tear. If this happens, the clavicle is pushed out of place and forms a bump at the top of the shoulder. Sprains are common in falls, when the hand or arm is outstretched to stop the fall, or when the fall is on a hard surface. Symptoms are severe pain when the sprain occurs, a misshapen shoulder and decreased movement of the shoulder. Treatment depends on the severity of the sprain. Ice applied immediately after the injury helps decrease pain and swelling. Keeping the arm in a sling to limit the movement of the shoulder allows ligaments to heal; this is followed by physical therapy exercises. Sometimes, surgery is needed.

    If the ligaments that hold the shoulder muscles to bones tear and can't hold the joint together, the shoulder is dislocated. A fall onto an outstretched hand, arm or the shoulder itself, or a violent twisting, can cause a shoulder dislocation. The main symptom is pain in the shoulder that becomes worse when the shoulder is moved. Treatment for a dislocation is ice applied immediately after the injury to decrease pain, swelling and bleeding around the joint. Within 15 to 30 minutes of the injury, the joint will be painful and swollen. A dislocated shoulder needs immediate medical care. Doctors treat dislocations by using gentle traction to pull the shoulder back into place. When the shoulder pops out of the socket repeatedly, the condition is called recurrent instability. Recurrent instability can be treated with surgery to repair the torn ligaments.

    Rotator cuff tear

    The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles of the upper arm that raise and rotate the arm. The muscles are attached to the bones by tendons. The job of muscles is to move bones. The tendons of the rotator cuff allow the muscles to move the arm. If the tendons tear, the humerus can't move as easily in the socket, making it difficult to move the arm up or away from the body.

    As people age and their physical activity decreases, tendons begin to lose strength. This weakening can lead to a rotator cuff tear. Rotator cuff injuries occasionally occur in younger people, but most of them happen to middle-aged or older adults who already have shoulder problems. This area of the body has a poor supply of blood, making it more difficult for the tendons to repair and maintain themselves. As a person ages, these tendons degenerate. Using your arm overhead puts pressure on the rotator cuff tendons. Repetitive movement or stress to these tendons can lead to impingement, in which the tissue or bone in that area becomes misaligned and rubs or chafes.

    The rotator cuff tendons can be injured or torn by trying to lift a very heavy object while the arm is extended, or by trying to catch a heavy falling object.

    Symptoms of a torn rotator cuff include tenderness and soreness in the shoulder during an activity that uses the shoulder. A tendon that has ruptured may make it impossible to raise the arm. It may be difficult to sleep lying on that side, and you may feel pain when pressure is put on the shoulder.

    Treatment depends on the severity of the injury. If the tear is not complete, your health care provider may recommend RICE, for rest, ice, compression and elevation. Resting the shoulder is probably the most important part of treatment, although after the pain has eased, you should begin physical therapy to regain shoulder movement. Your doctor may prescribe a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) for pain.

    Frozen shoulder

    This extreme stiffness in the shoulder can occur at any age. It affects approximately 2 percent of Americans, most often between 40 to 60 years of age. Although the causes are not completely understood, it can affect people with diabetes, thyroid disease, heart disease, or Parkinson's disease. It can also occur if the shoulder has been kept immobile for a period of time. It occurs when a minor shoulder injury heals with scar tissue that affects how the joint moves. This scar tissue reduces flexibility in the shoulder and makes it more prone to injury. The major symptom is the inability to move the shoulder in any direction without pain. Treatment can be NSAIDs, cortisone injections or physical therapy. You can reduce further injury and stiffness by stretching before starting activities.


    Sudden increases in activity can place extensive stress on the shoulders and lead to a decrease in flexibility. This is a common problem in middle age, especially among "weekend warriors," or people who don't exercise regularly but go out every now and then for an intense sport.

    Although painful and inconvenient, these overuse problems can usually be treated with rest, NSAIDs and stretching exercises.


    Beginning as early as age 50, some people develop osteoarthritis, which causes painful movement. This occurs as the smooth surfaces of the cartilage that line the bones of the shoulder joint are worn away, and joints begin to wear out and become larger. The most common cause of osteoarthritis is overuse. Treatments for arthritis in the shoulder depend on the severity of pain. The usual treatments are rest, NSAIDs and cortisone injections.  In some instances, a replacement of the shoulder joint is necessary.

    Source: http://resources.purematters.com/healthy-body/joint-tissue-health/common-injuries-of-the-shoulder

    Tips to protect your hearing


    iStock / zwolafasola

    Hearing loss can affect anyone at any age. Frequent exposure to loud noise at work or for leisure can damage your hearing forever. However, it can be hard to know how loud is too loud.

    Sound is measured in decibels denoted as dB(A). The following chart shows a number of common situations and their respective decibel level: - 20 dB(A) is a quiet room at night
    - 60 dB(A) is ordinary conversation
    - 70 dB(A) is a city street
    Sounds Over 80dB(A) Can Damage Your Hearing:
    - 80 -120 dB(A) is a night club
    - 110dB(A) is a pneumatic drill nearby
    - 110 - 120 dB(A) is a rock concert
    - 130 dB(A) is an airplane taking off 100 meters away
    - 140 db(A) is the threshold of pain for many people
    A good rule of thumb is that if you can't talk to people two meters away without shouting, it means the noise level is dangerous and you should take precautions to protect your hearing.

    If you've ever been to a club or listened to loud music on your MP3 player and then found you either have ringing in your ears or that you can't hear properly for a few hours afterwards, then your ears are telling you that the sound was too loud.

    Methods Of Protecting Your Ears

    How you should protect your ears depends upon the given situation, so here are some examples of common aural dangers and what you can do to protect yourself.

    Going To A Club?
    - Use chill out areas to give your ears a rest.
    - Avoid dancing or standing beside loud speakers.
    - Wear earplugs designed for clubs if you go clubbing regularly. They will reduce the level of sound hitting your ears, but they won't impair the variety of tones, ensuring the music sounds the same.

    Going To A Concert Or Festival?
    - Stand away from the loud speakers.
    - Take regular breaks from the music to give your ears a rest. 
    - If you want to watch the main act at the front of the stage, watch the support from farther back.
    - If you regularly go to concerts and festivals, again, wear specially designed earplugs. They only cost the price of a CD.

    MP3s, Personal Stereos
    The advent of music downloads has made personal listening devices more popular than ever. Unfortunately, their close proximity to the ears means they can have a very damaging affect on your hearing if they are not used sensibly.- If you can't hear external sounds when you've got your headphones on it's probably too loud.
    - Take regular breaks from your headphones to give your ears a rest.
    - Turn down the volume a notch -- even a small reduction in volume can make a big difference to the risk of damage to your hearing.
    - Avoid using the volume to drown out background noise, for example, the sound of the train or traffic.
    - Use headphones rather than ear phones, as headphones block external noise so you don't need to increase your volume to hear the music.
    - Some MP3s have volume-limiting software that keep the output at a safe level.

    Protection While Shooting
    The sound of a gunshot is easily loud enough to damage your hearing, so it's critical that you always wear ear protection. The three main options available are ear plugs, ear muffs and electronic hearing protection. Muffs provide more protection than plugs, but a good set of plugs is still better than a poor set of muffs. Electronic protection generally refers to electronic muffs which often have a tone and volume control so you can amplify sounds and frequencies as well as block them.

    It is important to understand that once your hearing deteriorates it will not come back and often you won't know the damage you have done until it catches up with you in later life.

    How to choose a good conference speaker ??

    This are some steps that will help you choose a good speaker according to your participants needs. Follow its and organize a successful event.
    First : Plan in Advance
    Depending on the size and complexity of your event, you will most likely be planning 6-12 months in advance. The earlier you start the process, the more likely it is that the right speaker for your event will be available on the day(s) required. It also gives you enough time to get through the 10 steps presented here.
    Second : Understand the Audience
    This is vital to choosing the best speaker for your needs. How many attendees will there be? Are they employees from one company or several companies? Are they all in the same industry? What are their job titles or roles? Is the audience mainly male or female – what is the ratio?
    Third : Clarify Your Objectifs
    It is important that everyone involved in the planning agrees on the objectives before you start your speaker search. Put it in writing and share with all involved so there is no misunderstanding and wasted time. Do you want to entertain, motivate or impart information? Do you want an after dinner speech (30-45 min), a keynote speech (45-60 min) or a workshop (usually ½ day to full day). Do you need an expert in your industry, or a top notch motivator? What do you want the conference attendees to take away from the talk or workshop? Will there be any follow-up?
    Fourth : Identify the Role of the Speaker
    Closely linked to the objectives, work out exactly what the role of the speaker will be. Is this to be the only external speaker? How important to the success of the event is the external speaker? Will he/she be delivering a keynote speech or an after dinner speech? Will the speaker open the day and set the tone or deliver one of the final speeches meant to motivate and rouse the attendees to action? What type of speaker will best fill the role – a celebrity; an industry expert or leader in a different field; a master in motivation?
    Fifth : Set the Budget
    A higher price does not necessarily mean the speaker is better or more appropriate for your event. Speakers set their own fees but may be willing to negotiate if you commit to further bookings. When working out your budget remember to include expenses such as the speaker's travel costs and VAT if applicable.
    Sixth : Feedback
    How can you measure the success of an external speaker? Ideally you would like to get feedback from everyone who attended but this is not always possible. To increase the number of attendees completing questionnaires, offer an incentive for both positive and negative feedback (for example, a book by the speaker or a prize draw for something larger; it all depends on budget.) The feedback will be very helpful for choosing a speaker next time. Remember to share the feedback with the speaker – positive or negative.
    More details on http://www.abingdonspeakers.co.uk/ten-tips-for-success-in-choosing-a-conference-speaker

    Blumentals Rapid #SEO Tool

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    7 Tips for Building a Social Media Audience


    Self-proclaimed "social media gurus" are a dime a dozen these days.

    When it comes to a successful social media marketing strategy, it can be tough for small businesses to sort through the noise, statistics and flurry of misinformation.

    One statistic we found online, for instance, claims that a Facebook fan is worth about $174 — but ask a small business with 300 Facebook fans if they've seen that $52,200 reflected in their revenues and you're likely to get a skeptical look or chuckle.

    For small businesses seeking to engage audiences via social media and get the most bang for their buck, figuring out where to start — and more importantly, how to leverage the huge potential of an engaged online audience — can be a daunting task.

    Let's forget about the statistics and wild claims, and focus instead on good, old-fashioned advice. Below, we've talked to entrepreneurs and marketers from companies with successful social strategies to get a grasp on some best practices for building and retaining an audience on social media.

    1. "Pay-to-Play"

    Beware of "experts" that tout the distorted notion that social media is free marketing. While most of the platforms themselves are free, RG Logan, director of strategy at Carrot Creative, points out that social is an increasingly "pay-to-play" endeavor. Logan suggests that businesses serious about entering the social space allocate a marketing budget specifically for social media.

    "It's quite difficult to break through if you're not putting money behind your efforts,"
    "It's quite difficult to break through if you're not putting money behind your efforts," he says. Last year, Facebook admitted that the average brand post is seen by just 16% of the page's followers, and paying to promote boosts your reach and thus your impact.

    Not all hope is lost for small businesses that simply can't afford to splurge on social, however. "The key should be quality over quantity. If you can't compete on a paid level, then you should focus on building the right audience on social — this means getting your most avid customers to become a part of your social media audience and providing value for them once they're there," says Logan. "If you take care of that core and show them that you care, they'll reciprocate by singing your praises to their own networks, thus increasing the opportunity to build your audience more organically."

    Social Media Icons
    Image: Flickr, mkhmarketing

    For businesses that don't promote via paid channels, it's especially crucial to get the word out about social efforts by taking advantage of as many avenues as possible — add social media widgets to your company's website, put Facebook URLs or Twitter handles on business cards and email signatures and post flyers in-store that clearly direct customers to your social pages.

    But with more and more social platforms introducing advertising (both Instagram and Pinterest launched advertising services this year), and Facebook advertising becoming increasingly important for fan pages that wish to drive sales, there's little doubt left that businesses should expect to fork over some cash for a truly successful social strategy.

    2. Pick Your Platform(s) Wisely

    Not every business needs a presence on every social platform. Certain businesses will flourish on visually rich sites such as Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube, while others may have more success with Twitter's 140-character format (though it's important to note that visuals generally perform better than text-only posts, regardless of the platform on which they're posted).

    "I think the best advice for businesses that are trying to take things online and create a presence is first to watch — instead of jumping in — and look at pages that you like and make active observations about what's going on," says Doug Quint, owner of Big Gay Ice Cream. "Secondly, if you're not comfortable on one of these streams, don't sign up. I didn't go on Foursquare for three years because I couldn't make sense of it for me and how I wanted it to come across. So don't go places where you're not comfortable."

    3. Create a Community of 'Insiders'

    One of the biggest appeals of "liking" a brand on Facebook or following your local coffee shop on Twitter is the promise of being in-the-know about events, promotions and special offers or discounts. In addition, social media provides brands with a unique opportunity to show their audiences a behind-the-scenes look — or the human side — of their businesses.

    "We interact with our followers individually to breed a close community of brand 'insiders' who feel comfortable regularly engaging with us,"
    "We interact with our followers individually to breed a close community of brand 'insiders' who feel comfortable regularly engaging with us," says AJ Nicholas, senior director of public relations and marketing for Rent the Runway.

    Along with a community-centric attitude and promoting your pages, it's important to listen to the fans and followers who take the time to find you online, and take their suggestions or feedback to heart — even if the comments are negative. Community managers or small businesses should think long and hard about ignoring or deleting customer feedback without first addressing the stated concerns. Not only is this a poor customer service practice, it can potentially blow up into a PR nightmare.

    "We respond to everyone — from fielding personal inquires and suggestions in our general inquiry box to answering comments on Instagram or Facebook, every fan and follower is important to us. We appreciate our dedicated fans who take the time to send submissions — it's in best practice to take everyones comments into considerations. It's because of this [feedback] we use faux fur versus real fur in projects," says Erica Domesek of P.S. I Made This.

    4. Social Is Not a Hard Sell

    We've said it before and we'll say it again: Social channels are not the place to force your brand messaging on unsuspecting fans. Online audiences are particularly wary of thinly veiled advertising labeled as "content." This can be a hard pill for businesses to swallow, particularly for enthusiastic small business owners that want to share their innovative new concept with as many people as possible. I love hearing about my company and how awesome we are, so why wouldn't everyone else? This attitude is a terrific way to drive fans to "unlike".

    Social Media Twitter
    Image: Flickr, mkhmarketing

    Don't be the overly promotional fan page — it's the equivalent of your annoying, Ivy-League-educated relative who dominates every dinner conversation bragging about various accomplishments. The occasional humblebrag might fly with your audiences — particularly if your brand or business is creating something newsworthy or is up for an award — but there's a fine line between sincerity and smugness. Your social audience knows the difference.

    Domesek advises businesses to adopt a content strategy that appeals to audiences' emotions. "It's a balance. Focus on emotional analytics as well as numerical ones. Pushing out content that is strong, conversational, and that especially evokes an emotional response will build stronger engagement and audience growth." She adds that people are more likely to comment, retweet or share "feel-good" content that elicits memories or positive associations.

    "You're marketing to humans, not robots,"
    "You're marketing to humans, not robots," she says.

    And it's not just what you say, it's how you say it — delivery is key. "While we find it important to share aspirational content to pique the interest of our demographic, we take care to deliver it in an accessible and personable way," says Rent the Runway's Nicholas.

    5. Social Is 24/7

    Show us a job listing for a nine-to-five social media manager position, and we'll show you a thousand and one missed opportunities. The truth is that your customers are likely going to be online during off-hours (nights and weekends), and the ideal social strategy doesn't shut off completely for hours or days on end.

    Jon Crawford, CEO and founder of Storenvy, says the company owes its success in large part due to a dedicated social strategy. "Social media is an extremely powerful avenue for everything from customer support, customer acquisition and building long-term relationships with those who are passionate about what we do. From advice and resources to user and merchant stories, new and trending products to promotional contests and giveaways — our social media never sleeps," he says.

    Posting on social platforms on a daily basis — and monitoring comments, retweets, reshares, etc. — is one way to engage with the online community. That's not to say every small business needs to hire round-the-clock surveillance of its social accounts (for big brands or corporations, this is another story); but going completely MIA from 5 p.m. on Friday evening until 9 a.m. Monday morning may mean missing out on potential business, or fueling the flames of an upset customer by seemingly ignoring his complaints.

    6. Sweepstakes and Giveaways

    One of the easiest ways to attract a social following is to offer your customers incentives to "like," follow or connect with your business. Hosting a sweepstakes or contest can generate valuable buzz about your business, create brand affinity and entice potential customers — who might otherwise have never heard of your company — to check out your site.

    "Everybody loves free stuff — that's been true since the dawn of time.
    "Everybody loves free stuff — that's been true since the dawn of time. We've worked on enough of these [campaigns] to realize that the real strength in a sweeps is the scale of the audience you'll bring in. Sweepstakes and contests are a great way to generate leads and build your CRM database," says Logan.

    He warns businesses, however, not to expect every participant to translate into a loyal, converting customer. "The dark side to this is that while you're attracting a wide audience, you risk sacrificing the quality of those leads, and may end up with a low-value customer who doesn't care about your brand in the long-term. Brands and agencies must accept the fact that not everyone who participates is going to be a brand loyalist, but know that you now have the ability to nurture them toward loyalty in the long run via content and worthwhile experiences."

    Companies attempting to organize a contest for the first time should conduct research on successful examples and best practices before jumping in head-first.

    Facebook recently loosened its guidelines for hosting contests on the site, which is great news for small businesses that previously couldn't afford the time or cost of a complicated sweepstakes hosted by a third-party application.

    7. Agency vs. In-House

    There are differing — and very strong — opinions about who should handle your brand's social media efforts.

    On one hand, hiring in-house ensures that your brand messaging is on-point, and having a member of your own team managing a social presence ensures information is more likely to be accurate, timely and cohesive with your brand's unique voice. On the flip side, many small businesses simply don't have the time, resources or know-how to dedicate themselves to social, and handing the reigns over to professionals who are well-versed in online marketing strategy may prove effective (albeit somewhat nerve-wracking).

    Logan suggests brands hire in-house only when willing to commit 100%. "Brands should keep social media in-house if they are willing to dedicate appropriate resources internally to creating content. This means having full-time staff (not interns) dedicated to drafting copy, designing content, analyzing content and optimizing that content. A brand can look into their internal infrastructure to see if they can repurpose any current employees (designers, copywriters, marketers, media planners, etc.) and dedicate them to your social team — but

    it's really important that social media isn't treated like a side job, or you'll get side-job results."
    it's really important that social media isn't treated like a side job, or you'll get side-job results."

    Logan goes on to add that hiring an agency may be an excellent investment for companies that are overwhelmed, out of ideas or already spread too thin. A big "however," though, is that the brand must be willing to place its trust in the agency, as well as maintain open lines of communication and approve content in a timely manner.

    Domesek takes a middle-of-the-road stance. "Agencies can be great for larger, one-off opportunities for buzzworthy projects or launches; however, handling in-house allows you to control the brand," she says.

    The answer to this heated debate, realistically, is the frustrating cliché of "it depends." Your company's budget, as well as its overall goals in regards to social, comes into play when deciding whether to trust your social efforts to an in-house team member or to outsource to the pros.

    How has your business successfully built an audience on social media? Tell us in the comments.

    Source : http://mashable.com/2013/12/24/grow-social-audience/

    How to update your Galaxy S3 to #Android 4.3? [Tutorial]

    Update 14/11/2013: Before the update given below, thank you to read this article in its entirety.

    Although Android 4.4 Kitkat is the latest version of the operating system from Google, it does not prevent the former Smartphones to receive the latest update of Jelly Bean series (the version that was in place just before KitKat ). This is the case of the Galaxy S3 international who has officially receive the update to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean in some European countries.

    Of course, this update should arrive in the next few weeks (or even the next few days) in France depending on your mobile operator, you is already possible to download and install on your smartphone Galaxy S3 .

    However, many people still do not know how to install an update manually on their Android Smartphone, which is why we offer you a very simple little tutorial on how to install Android 4.3 Jelly Bean on Samsung Galaxy S3. However, there is no zero risk, which is why we will not be responsible for any inconvenience you may encounter during the operation. But if you follow to the letter the steps below, you should not encounter any problems.

    galaxy S3 android 4.3 051101

    Thus, you must first download the OS Android 4.3 weighs 930 MB, and Odin v3.09 which allows you to install the update on your Samsung Galaxy S3. Once the two files downloaded, just follow step by step instructions below:

    • Decompress. Zip
    • Turn off your smartphone
    • Press simultaneously the buttons on low volume + Home + power
    • Run ODIN
    • Connect the smartphone to the PC via a USB cable
    • Expect that the "ID: COM" box is blue. (If this is not the case, you should download the driver Galaxy S3, Samsung Kies will do)
    • BL click and select the file BL_I9300XXUGMJ9_1902166_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5
    • AP click and select the file AP_I9300XXUGMJ9_1902166_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5
    • Click CP and select the file MODEM_I9300BUUGMJ3_REV02_REV04_CL1413323.tar.md5
    • Click CSC and select the file CSC_VFG_I9300VFGGMJ5_1986192_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5
    • Above all, do not check "re-partition" box
    • A
    • Wait patiently.

    Once the smartphone restarts, you should get this screen:

    galaxy S3 android 4.3 051102

    If unfortunately, your smartphone does not restart, or present bugs, just do a factory reset. To do this, simply turn off the Samsung Galaxy S3 , supporting at the same time the volume button up + Home + energized and select "wipe / factory reset".

    NORAD Santa Tracker 2013 live: Follow Father Christmas's trip around the world

    Find out where in the world your presents are right now with the official Santa Cam      
    NORAD online Santa trackerNORAD online Santa tracker
    Every year the airforces tasked with defending US airspace instead devote themselves to tracking Father Christmas.
    NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) started tracking him when a 1955 advert encouraged children to phone Santa - but gave the wrong number.
    Once he realised what had happened, Colonel Harry Shoup - who came to be known as the "Santa Colonel" - quickly told his staff to answer the calls with an update on Father Christmas's current position.
    Nowadays, volunteers staff call centres on Christmas Eve and field around 70,000 phone calls each year from 200 countries.
    Then deputy commander of NORAD Lt. Gen. Marcel Duval said in 2010: "It's really ingrained in the NORAD psyche and culture.
    "It's a goodwill gesture from all of us, on our time off, to all the kids on the planet."
    Through the years the tracker has become more advanced, and it now has its own Twitter, Facebook and YouTube accounts.
    This year sees a new website that not only counts down the days until Father Christmas will begin delivering presents but lets you visit the digital North Pole and play various games.
    Every day, NORAD will release a new game on the site; currently you can play a memory game.
    On Christmas day, the site will monitor Father Christmas and the reindeers' whereabouts on a map and keep a running tally of the number of gifts delivered.
    Bing has optimised the site for touchscreen devices and is using 3D technology with WebGL to provide a "more realistic-looking version of Santa's Village and Santa's trek across the world".

    Source : http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/technology-science/technology/norad-santa-tracker-2013-live-2888721#ixzz2oK0nHuE0 

    Brazilian women strip off in protest against ban on topless sunbathing

    A rally in Rio de Janeiro against baring all on the beach saw women take their tops off - but there were more photographers than protesters
    A protest against Brazil's ban on topless sunbathing fell flat yesterday, with only a handful of women turning up.
    Thousands of women were expected to gather on Rio de Janeiro's Ipanema beach, taking off their bikinis in defiance of Brazilian law, which describes female toplessness as an "obscene act".
    Hundreds of photographers filled Ipanema beach, eager to catch a glimpse of the first women to strip in defiance of the law - but only a few women joined in.
    One of the first to strip off was 73 year-old Rio native Olga Salon.
    She told local media "A breast isn't dangerous! It's false-Puritanism and indicative of our macho culture that we have a law forbidding that women can go topless."
    The anti-nudity law, which dates back to the 1940s, is punishable by up to a year in prison, or fines.
    Locals admit the law does not frequently lead to prosecutions.
    The protest was organised in response to an incident in November when actress Cristina Flores was stopped by police during a half-naked photoshoot on the beach.
    The photoshoot was part of the promotional campaign for Cosmocartas, a play about Brazilian artists Lygia Clark and Hélio Oiticica.

    Source :  http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/rio-topless-pictures-brazilian-women-2952154#ixzz2oJzJt7sw  

    Why casual #sex is rarely as satisfactory for women as it is for men ???

    Miriam Stoppard is not surprised by research suggesting women are far more likely to achieve orgasm with a committed partner

    Festive fun: But a casual hook-up at Christmas islikely to be better for him than herFestive fun: But a casual hook-up at Christmas islikely to be better for him than her

    I lived through the age of Cosmo Woman when women were encouraged to play the field in search of the Big O. It always struck me that this move to chase casual sex in order to draw level with men was misguided.

    We don't have men's drives nor their taste for rapid sex.

    Some new research bears out my misgivings. For us, casual sex isn't that satisfying. 

    This news will no doubt annoy the feminists who believe we live in an era where people of both genders can be sexually free and engage equally in the "hook-up" culture.

    A lot of women aren't necessarily enjoying this. What women need to achieve orgasm can be very different from what they find in casual sex.

    Only one quarter of women reliably experience orgasm through intercourse alone, according to a review of 32 studies conducted by Elisabeth Lloyd at Indiana University. Another third rarely or never have orgasms from intercourse.

    "The way we view sex in porn, in movies and in books, people aren't talking to each other like, 'Oh, my foot's falling asleep, we need to move,'" she says.

    Communicating about those kinds of particulars is especially tricky to do during hook-ups.

    Like generations before them, many young women are finding that casual sex doesn't bring the physical pleasure that men experience.

    This new research suggests why: women are less likely to have orgasms during uncommitted sexual encounters than in serious relationships.

    Everyone assumed that with sexual liberation casual sex would automatically be pleasurable for women.

    But emotions got in the way. A survey of 600 college students at Binghamton University found that women were twice as likely to reach orgasm from intercourse or oral sex in serious relationships as in one-night stands.

    Similarly, a New York University study of 24,000 students at 21 colleges over five years found that about four in 10 women had an orgasm during their last hook-up involving intercourse, while eight out of 10 men did.

    By contrast, roughly three quarters of women in the survey said they had an orgasm the last time they had sex in a committed relationship. That's attributed to practice with a partner, plus young men surveyed often admitted that they're less focused on sexually pleasing a woman they're seeing casually than one they're serious about.

    With men not trying as hard, and women finding it awkward to talk about their needs in the bedroom, satisfying casual sex is difficult to achieve.

    Source : http://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/casual-sex-rarely-satisfactory-women-2955904#ixzz2oJxgniL5 

    25 reasons why men cheat

    Men cheat for a variety of reasons.

    A laundry list of the many reasons why men cheat on their mates

    Below is a laundry list of 25 reasons men cheat, based on my 17+ years of research on the topic of infidelity.

    As an infidelity expert, I've interviewed somewhere between 8000 and 10,000 people about various aspects of infidelity (maybe more – I've lost count over the years) – men and women; infidelity victims and cheaters.

    Below are 25 of the more common reasons men cheat. Bear in mind that some men cheat for several of the reasons on the list below.

    And just so we're clear, infidelity is wrong. None of these are valid reasons for cheating on your mate.

    25 of the Many Reasons Why Men Cheat

    1. Inability to say no. He attracts sexy women who come onto him, and he doesn't know how to say "no."See How Good Men End Up Cheating on their Mates.

    2. To boost his ego – Infidelity is an ego boost for a man with low self esteem – especially if he's less successful or earns less money than his.

    3. Peer Pressure. He spends a lot of time in the company of people who cheat. His workmates, or close friends are cheating on their mates. So he succumbs to peer pressure and cheats to be part of the crowd. See Infidelity Traps - 12 Ways People Unintentionally Get Drawn into Cheating on Their Mates

    4. To end the relationship. Sometime a cheating man will have what is called an "exit affair" because he wants end the marriage or relationship. Instead of manning up and telling you it's over, he takes the coward's way out, knowing that if you catch him cheating, you'll leave him or kick him out.

    5. Because you let him- He cheated before you let him get away with it. See If He's Cheating, Take a Firm Stand.

    6. He views it as a status symbol. Many men consider it a status symbol to be able to afford a mistress. He may view it as one of the trappings of success.

    7. To satisfy his sexual orientation. If he'sgay or bisexual, he may cheat on you by having affairs with other men. See the free Same Sex Infidelity tip sheet.

    8. To see what it's like to have sex with someone else. Men who married young, or had limited sex experience before settling down, may cheat to see what they might have missed.

    9. Because he knows he can get away with it. He cheated before and you didn't find out, so he's confident he can do it again. See 7 Steps to Catch a Cheating Mate .

    10. Opportunistic sex. He was presented with an opportunity to cheat without the fear of getting caught, so he took advantage of the situation. See How Good Men End Up Cheating on their Mates

    11. A Sense Of Entitlement. Many men feel they're so rich, famous, handsome, sexy, charming or ____________ (you fill in the blank) that they are entitled to cheat because of who they are.

    12. He figures you'll never find out– He thinks you're too stupid, too naïve, too busy, too in love with them, too trusting to find out, or even suspect that he's having an affair. See Is He Cheating? Is She Cheating? –21 Ways You Can Tell

    13. To prove his manhood. Some men think that the more women they have sex with, the more manly they are. They think cheating is a macho thing to do

    14. The thrill of the chase. Some cheaters actually thrive on the excitement generated by a secret affair. They view all the ducking, dodging and sneaking around infidelity involves as a form of recreation, or a high-risk sport.

    15. He's a player. He's a hardcore cheater for whom cheating is a way of life. He likes having lots of women and pitting one against the other. To him, it's just a game.

    16. He knows you'll take him back. He knows you'll never leave him. He cheated before and you didn't hesitate to take him back without making him go through any changes or holding him accountable for his behavior. See When to Give Cheater a Second Chance.

    17. Love. Some men cheat because they're really in love with the other woman. It may have started out as a cyber affair, or an innocent friendship that became an emotional affair, which progressed to sexual infidelity. See Emotional Infidelity Usually Leads to Sexual Infidelity.

    18. Poor role models If his father, uncles, or other male role models cheated, he may be subconsciously programmed to follow their example, considering infidelity to be the norm – especially if the female role models in his life tolerated the infidelity.

    19. To participate in certain sex acts. Some men cheat to fulfill their sexual fantasies, or because they want kinky sex, or sex acts their wives or girlfriends won't perform.

    20. The influence of drugs or alcohol A great deal of infidelity ( especially one night stands) can be attributed to the influence drugs or alcohol, which can lower inhibitions, and impair good judgment, resulting in behavior the cheater may later regret. See Infidelity Traps - 12 Ways People Unintentionally Get Drawn into Cheating on Their Mates

    21. Cultural reasons– He may come from a culture (Caribbean, certain European or Asian cultures) where it's common for men to have mistresses.

    22. To see if he's still "got it." Men in their 50's and older sometimes cheat just to reaffirm their sexuality. They cheat to prove they can still attract and sexually satisfy another woman – usually one who is younger than their mate.

    23. He knows you'll put up with his cheating Some men cheat because they know their partner will look the other way - as long as they're discreet, keep their infidelity low key, and avoid publicly embarrassing their mate. See Why Women Stay with Men Who Cheat.

    24. Revenge. Though revenge cheating is more with women than with men, sometimes a man will cheat to get back a wife or girlfriend who cheated on him. See 3 types of Revenge Cheating or Retaliatory Affairs

    25. Sex addiction– probably the only reason on this list that can halfway be excused because true sex addiction is a medical condition in which the cheater really can't help himself. If he's truly a sex addict, he needs to get professional help. But true sex addiction is not as common as men would have you believe. See Could Your Cheating Husband or Boyfriend be a Sex Addict Like Tiger Woods or Jesse James? Many cheating men use sex addiction as a cop-out AFTER they've been caught.