How to choose a good conference speaker ??

This are some steps that will help you choose a good speaker according to your participants needs. Follow its and organize a successful event.
First : Plan in Advance
Depending on the size and complexity of your event, you will most likely be planning 6-12 months in advance. The earlier you start the process, the more likely it is that the right speaker for your event will be available on the day(s) required. It also gives you enough time to get through the 10 steps presented here.
Second : Understand the Audience
This is vital to choosing the best speaker for your needs. How many attendees will there be? Are they employees from one company or several companies? Are they all in the same industry? What are their job titles or roles? Is the audience mainly male or female – what is the ratio?
Third : Clarify Your Objectifs
It is important that everyone involved in the planning agrees on the objectives before you start your speaker search. Put it in writing and share with all involved so there is no misunderstanding and wasted time. Do you want to entertain, motivate or impart information? Do you want an after dinner speech (30-45 min), a keynote speech (45-60 min) or a workshop (usually ½ day to full day). Do you need an expert in your industry, or a top notch motivator? What do you want the conference attendees to take away from the talk or workshop? Will there be any follow-up?
Fourth : Identify the Role of the Speaker
Closely linked to the objectives, work out exactly what the role of the speaker will be. Is this to be the only external speaker? How important to the success of the event is the external speaker? Will he/she be delivering a keynote speech or an after dinner speech? Will the speaker open the day and set the tone or deliver one of the final speeches meant to motivate and rouse the attendees to action? What type of speaker will best fill the role – a celebrity; an industry expert or leader in a different field; a master in motivation?
Fifth : Set the Budget
A higher price does not necessarily mean the speaker is better or more appropriate for your event. Speakers set their own fees but may be willing to negotiate if you commit to further bookings. When working out your budget remember to include expenses such as the speaker's travel costs and VAT if applicable.
Sixth : Feedback
How can you measure the success of an external speaker? Ideally you would like to get feedback from everyone who attended but this is not always possible. To increase the number of attendees completing questionnaires, offer an incentive for both positive and negative feedback (for example, a book by the speaker or a prize draw for something larger; it all depends on budget.) The feedback will be very helpful for choosing a speaker next time. Remember to share the feedback with the speaker – positive or negative.
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