How the iPad Mini's Oct 23rd Release Will Impact the Tablet and eReader Market

For most non iPad users and current eReader users, the main step between them and an iPad is the price and portability of the product. Most people have said that they just do not have enough cash to shore up for a non essential item like a iPad tablet. For others, they would like the additional program capabilities of an iPad, yet they like the smaller size and portability of the various eReader products available. Apple is attempting to satisfy this customer gap with the Oct 23, 2012 release of their iPad Mini. Projections on how this product will impact a consumers choice when considering the $200-$400 range when buying a tablet/eReader will further be discussed in the following article.
The first and most dramatic feature of the iPad Mini is not actually a feature at all, rather it is the lower price tag found on this new product. Estimated to range from $300-$500 based on storage and mobile capabilities, this product opens up a new consumer market that previously thought of an Apple tablet as too expensive in these economic times. Due to the fact that personal liquid cash after fixed expenses is diminishing in most households, the major purchasing power with this device will be its price. When considering that most consumers are forking up nearly this dollar value for a personal cell phone, it is easier to see how a cash strapped individual would be more likely to splurge on an item in this price range.
The next major selling point of this device is its smaller 7.5" screen. This size works two-fold. It allows for the iPhone user to have a reading/browsing/application alternative that does not drain their battery and is large enough to see without eye strain while also allowing consumers that want to fit the item into their briefcase/lab coat pocket without adding excessive bulk. By meeting both of these demands in conjunction with a lower price point, the market share previously dominated by the eReader category will likely be impacted by this new segment in Apples ever proliferating line of user friendly products.
The combination of the aforementioned product characteristics in conjunction with product release timing will likely prove fortunate for Apple. The time of the year when most consumers begin their retail splurge is just after thanksgiving and before the holidays. With Apple's marketing machine in full force, this timing was clearly forethought, and will likely affect the way consumers think prior to making their tablet/eReader purchase this winter.
The tablet is here to stay and Apple has once again made themselves unique in the ever-growing market of tablet products.
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