iPhone Versus Samsung - The Mobile David and Goliath?

The battle between iPhone and Samsung has been the topic of much debate for many mobile users, with Apple and Android fans weighing in to have their say about the issue. From the court case itself to the rumours (apparently untrue) of Samsung delivering their payment in trucks loaded with coins, there are few things gadget addicts like better than the 'who did it better' game. While the courts may have reached their own verdict, and market shares in Samsung may even have also given some indication of what investors think, this may be one argument that smartphone users want to agree to disagree on.
What smartphone users in South Africa should be asking however is does it really matter who did what? Or should we perhaps be focusing on what each phone has to offer instead, without picking sides?
Reading Between the Smartphone Debate Lines
One of the main issues at hand is the matter of innovation. We all know that Apple is the master of innovation, with constant break-throughs in computing and mobile technology seen time after time. But the flipside of that innovation is that consumers pay not just for the device itself, but also for the brand name (and dare we say the bragging rights).
Samsung and the greater Android market have become a thorn in Apple's side however, and not just over patent issues and court proceedings. At a much more accessible price, Android devices have allowed a far larger number of users to benefit from mobile technology, with a number of their own unique features that show that they too are able to innovate with the best of them.
Phones today have evolved far beyond the ancient, brick-like Nokia 3310's that we found so amazing not too long ago. The battle of the mobile giants has opened the market up to even more features that we ever thought possible, as each company strives to outdo the other. What this means for users is consistent advancement, more applications, better interfaces, sleeker designs, new technologies and plenty of other exciting things.
At the end of the day, you want a phone that suits your specific needs, does the job and gives you a host of those great features that enhance your daily use of the device. Whether that is iPhone or Samsung, or even something entirely different, the mobile 'David and Goliath' may as well continue their battles if it helps make the industry that much more progressive.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7302206

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