iPad Strategies

You don't have to be a "techie" to operate the iPad. If fact, Apple has designed this device on a user-friendly thought process. Here are some helpful iPad strategies that will help you become a master of the iPad in no time:
- Soft Reset: When necessary you have the option to perform a soft reset by holding the top (power button) while simultaneously holding down the Home button. This will force your device to restart. This is a great iPad strategy that allows for a restart when things aren't working properly.
- Cut/Copy and Paste: You have the ability to copy long texts with the tap of your finger. The iPad strategy that allows this is to tap any finger four times, this will highlight the entire text.
- Easy Mute: Have you ever been at a library or a coffee shop and your computer or iPad's volume is on high and it bursts out causing an embarrassing moment? There is an easy way to quickly eliminate that moment with the iPad, the easy mute function can be activated by holding down the volume button for two seconds. This turns the volume off on the iPad.
- Supersized Screenshots: With this iPad strategy you have the ability to take a screenshot of any screen of your iPad. Do this by holding the home and the top (power) button simultaneously.
- Apps are the main interface of the iPad. A user is able to arrange, delete, or move these icons to multiple pages of the home screen or put in the favorites section which appears on every page. The iPad strategy that allows this is to click and hold on an App icon for two seconds. All of the app icons will start to shake. This allows you to move the icons to wherever you choose. If you want the App in your favorites section simply put your finger and drag that icon to the bottom of the screen. These icons will appear on every page.
- Downloading Apps: Apps are the main operating means of the iPad. You can download apps like: Facebook, Words with Friends, YouTube, Weather, iBooks, ect. The App Store is the feature that allows you to search and update the Apps on the iPad.
- 3G or Local WiFi: The iPad strategy that allows you to save on the amount of data used is the feature that the local WiFi of any connection will override that of the 3G. The iPad will alert you any time there is a local WiFi connection available, instead of using the 3G data connection.
-The iPad is mainly designed for consumption of information from web browsing, media, and gaming. It can be used to create and store documents by the use of iWork, which is like Microsoft office. This is the simple answer to creating, storing, editing, etc of documents.
As you can see, there are many simple features on the iPad that just take some time learning and remembering. With the simple click of buttons you can do just about anything you wish. To become a pro at the iPad strategies click the link below to become the expert at your iPad.
If you truly want to be a wizard on the iPad and get your hands on the best iPad Strategies than you must visit the world's best resource. Go to this site below: http://ipad-strategies.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7302377

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